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詳細資料ISBN:9789575816001 叢書系列:CEO VISION MONTHLY 規格:平裝 / 56頁 / 21 X 28 CM / 普通級/ 全彩印刷 / 初版 出版地:台灣 內容簡介 MIC為擴大服務面向,透過研究觀點的分享,於2014年四月創刊「CEO VISION MONTHLY」,每月以電子檔型式出版,為CEO掌握產業重點議題。「CEO VISION」係由MIC獲得APIAA (台灣亞太產業分析專業協進會)產業顧問認證之顧問群,針對時事評析、熱門議題及MIC創見等,提出最新觀察洞見的最新評論報告。創刊至今,屆滿一年,MIC精選文章出版特刊,以「台灣產業升級的思維創新」、「中國大陸變革的局勢洞悉」、「全球市場趨勢的商機前瞻」專欄分類,期能讓日理萬機的 您,更能精準地掌握產業趨勢、洞悉時事,提供企業經營、產業轉型、策略布局之新角度及新視野。 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Vision | CEO.com www.ceo.com/tag/vision ... the need to have a vision, the ability to decide on ... Here's how to refocus your vision and ... Why Flexible Workers Might Be Your Best Employees Yet (CEO ... theamericanceo.com/.../the-5-responsibilities-of-a-ceo-own-the-vision Communicate the Vision. The first responsibility of a CEO in my mind ... both from and to the CEO. The vision must be ingrained ... Top 15 Essential CEO ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=faJ_J1R745k
Watch a company catch "The Vision", create "Raving Fans" and get all the right people on the bus—literally! www.chic-ceo.com/mission-and-vision-statement A vision statement is very much like your mission statement except it outlines where the company would like to be in the future. ... 2014 Chic CEO, Inc ... www.thebestceogroup.com/vision.htm Vision - The Ultimate Goal . ... Your vision statement should describe the best possible ... The BEST CEO Group - Every CEO saying their participation was one of the ... CEO Vision-The Best of CEO Vision |
資料來源:博客來 |